Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Buat Pagging di PHP menggunakan class

Bagi Sahabat informatika yg sedang mencari pagging untuk pemrograman web.
sedikit sharring aja gan, ane punya source code nya, silahkan download disini 

pagging disini menggunakan class, sehingga mempermudah kinerja dalam pembuatan pagging. silahkan lihat gambar di bawah ini

untuk penggunaan class pagging Nya sedikit bocoran nih scriptnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini...
_navTable = $table;

        $this->_navStrFieldSelect = $strFieldSelect;

        if (empty($tableId) ) {

            $this->_navTableId = $table ."_id";

        } else {

            $this->_navTableId = $tableId;


        $this->_navStrOffset = $strOffset;


        $this->_navMaxRows = $maxRows;

        if (!isset($_GET[$this->_navStrOffset])) {

            $this->_navOffset = 0;

        } else {

            $this->_navOffset = $_GET[$this->_navStrOffset];


        $queryTotalRows = "SELECT COUNT(`". $this->_navTableId ."`) FROM ". $table;

        $resultTotalRows = mysql_query($queryTotalRows) or die ("Class CnnNav Error on constructor method: Failed to execute query to fetch total rows.".  mysql_error());

        list($this->_navTotalRows) = mysql_fetch_row($resultTotalRows);

        $this->_navTotalPages = ceil($this->_navTotalRows / $maxRows);

        $this->_navNumShow = $numShow;

        $this->_navInterval = $interval;

        $this->_navIntervalShow = $intervalShow;


        $this->_navStrPrev = $prev;

        $this->_navStrNext = $next;

        $this->_navStrSeparator = $separator;

        $this->_navCss = $css;

        $this->_navStrFirst = $first;

        $this->_navStrLast = $last;


        if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) {

            $current_page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ."?";

        } else {

               $current_page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ."?". $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ."&";


        $this->_navCurrentUri = preg_replace("/&{0,1}". $this->_navStrOffset ."=\d+/", "", $current_page);

        if ($this->_navOffset > ($this->_navTotalPages - 1) && ($this->_navOffset > 0) ) {

            $this->_navOffset = $this->_navTotalPages - 1;



 function getCount(){

        return $this->_totalRows;


function getPages(){

        return $this->_navTotalPages;



     * CnnNav::setNumShow()

     * Set decimal navigation properties.


     * @param string $numShow number of decimal to show for navigating.

     * @param string $interval interval for the interval navigation.

     * @param string $numIntervalShow number of decimal to show for interval navigating.

     * @access public.


    function setNumShow($numShow = "", $interval = "", $numIntervalShow = "") {

        if (!empty($numShow) ) {

            $this->_navNumShow = $numShow;


        if (!empty($interval) ) {

            $this->_navInterval = $interval;


        if (!empty($numIntervalShow) ) {

            $this->_navIntervalShow = $numIntervalShow;





     * CnnNav::setNavText()

     * Set text navigation properties.


     * @param string $prev previous navigation text.

     * @param string $next next navigation text.

     * @param string $separator separator.

     * @param string $css html css style for the navigation.

      * @param string $first first navigation text.

     * @param string $last last navigation text.

     * @access public.


    function setNavText($prev = "", $next = "", $separator = "", $css = "", $first = "", $last = "") {

        if (!empty($prev) ) {

            $this->_navStrPrev = $prev;


        if (!empty($next) ) {

            $this->_navStrNext = $next;


        if (!empty($separator) ) {

            $this->_navStrSeparator = $separator;


        if (!empty($css) ) {

            $this->_navCss = $css;


        if (!empty($first) ) {

            $this->_navStrFirst = $first;


        if ((!empty($last)) ) {

            $this->_navStrLast = $last;





     * CnnNav::_retSpanTag()


     * @param string $text input.

     * @return $text with span html tag with css style.

     * @access private.


    function _retSpanTag($text) {

        if (!empty($this->_navCss) ) {

            return "_navCss ."\">". $text ."";

        } else {

            return $text;




     * CnnNav::getFirst()


     * @return html tag for first navigation text.

     * @access public.


    function getFirst() {

        return "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=0\">". $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrFirst) ."\n";    




     * CnnNav::getPrev()


     * @return html tag for previous navigation text.

     * @access public.


    function getPrev() {

        if ($this->_navOffset > 0) {

            return "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset ."=". ($this->_navOffset - 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrPrev) ."\n"; 




     * CnnNav::getNum()


     * @return html tag for number navigation text.

     * @access public.


    function getNum() {

        if ($this->_navTotalPages > 1) {

            if ($this->_navOffset < ceil($this->_navNumShow / 2) ) {

                $numPos = ($this->_navOffset + 1);

            } else {

                $numPos = ceil($this->_navNumShow / 2);

                if (($this->_navTotalPages -  $this->_navOffset) <= ceil($this->_navNumShow / 2) ) {

                    $numPos = $this->_navNumShow - ($this->_navTotalPages - $this->_navOffset) + 1;



            $strNumBefore = "";

            $numBeforePos = $this->_navOffset - $numPos + 2;

            for($i = $numBeforePos; $i <= $this->_navOffset; $i++) {

                if ($i > 0) {

                    $strNumBefore .= "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=". ($i - 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($i) ."\n";

                    $strNumBefore .= $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrSeparator);                




            $strNumAfter = "";

            $numAfterPos = $this->_navOffset + 1 + $this->_navNumShow - $numPos;

            for($i = ($this->_navOffset + 2); $i <= $numAfterPos; $i++) {

                if ($i <= $this->_navTotalPages) {

                    $strNumAfter .= $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrSeparator);

                    $strNumAfter .= "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=". ($i - 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($i) ."\n";                




            $strIntBefore = "";

            for($i = ($numBeforePos - ($this->_navInterval * $this->_navIntervalShow)); $i < $numBeforePos; $i++) {

                if ((($i % $this->_navInterval) == 0) && ($i > 0)) {

                    $strIntBefore .= " _navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset ."=". ($i - 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($i) ." \n";
                    $strIntBefore .= $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrSeparator);
            $strIntAfter = "";
            for ($i = ($numAfterPos + 1); $i < (($numAfterPos + 1) + ($this->_navInterval * $this->_navIntervalShow)); $i++) {
                if ((($i % $this->_navInterval) == 0) && ($i <= $this->_navTotalPages)) {
                    $strIntAfter .= $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrSeparator);
                    $strIntAfter .= " _navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=". ($i - 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($i) ." \n";
            return $strIntBefore . $strNumBefore . $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navOffset + 1) . $strNumAfter . $strIntAfter;
        } else return "";
     * CnnNav::getNext()
     * @return html tag for next navigation text.
     * @access public. 
    function getNext() {
        if ($this->_navOffset < ($this->_navTotalPages - 1) ) {
            return "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=". ($this->_navOffset + 1) ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrNext) ."";
     * CnnNav::getLast()
     * @return html tag for last navigation text.
     * @access public. 
    function getLast() {
        return "_navCurrentUri . $this->_navStrOffset . "=". $this->_navTotalPages ."\">". $this->_retSpanTag($this->_navStrLast) ."";    
     * CnnNav::getNav()
     * @param boolean $showPrevNext. 
     * @param boolean $showNum.
     * @param boolean $showFirstLast.
     * @return html tag for all navigation text. 
    function getNav($showPrevNext = true, $showNum = true, $showFirstLast = false) {
        $strNav = "";
        if ($showFirstLast) {
            $strNav .= $this->getFirst();
        if ($showPrevNext) {
            $strNav .= $this->getPrev();
        if ($showNum) {
            $strNav .= $this->getNum();
        if ($showPrevNext) {
            $strNav .= $this->getNext();
        if ($showFirstLast) {
            $strNav .= $this->getLast();
        return $strNav;        
     * CnnNav::printNav()
     * Print or show the page navigation.
     * @param string $showPrevNext.
     * @param string $showNum.
     * @param string $showFirstLast.
     * @access public.
     * @see CnnNav::getNav().
    function printNav($showPrevNext = "1", $showNum = "1", $showFirstLast = "0") {
        echo $this->getNav($showPrevNext, $showNum, $showFirstLast);
     * CnnNav::getResult()
     * Get the SQL result after pagination. Needs when we want to fetch data from database.
     * @return SQL result. 

    function getResult(){
        $queryData = "SELECT ". $this->_navStrFieldSelect ." FROM ". $this->_navTable ." LIMIT ". ($this->_navOffset * $this->_navMaxRows) .", ". $this->_navMaxRows;
        $resultData = mysql_query($queryData) or die ("Class CnnNav Error on getResult method: Failed to execute query to fetch data.");
        return $resultData;

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